Innovating Sustainably

Reducing our Environmental Impacts

The health of our planet is intrinsically linked to human health. Science increasingly shows that elevated levels of pollution correlate to higher incidences of disease, including some forms of cancer. Moreover, climate change is leading to unprecedented changes in weather, sea-level rise, and other issues that will affect businesses globally and disrupt the lives of many of our patients. As a company working to find treatments for cancer and other life-threatening diseases, we understand our responsibility to do so in a way that mitigates our impact on the planet.

Given the pressing nature of climate change, we are first focusing on developing a global climate strategy. In 2021, we expanded our greenhouse gas inventory to be comprehensive of our global Scope 1 and 2 emissions from direct burning of fossils fuels and electricity use in our operations. Growth in our 2021 environmental footprint reflects this expanded boundary, as well as increased production at our Suzhou and Guangzhou facilities.

We will conduct our first Scope 3 inventory in 2022 to better understand our value-chain impacts. Using this information, we will set greenhouse gas reduction goals and a roadmap for achieving them. We also plan to conduct a climate risk assessment aligned with the requirements of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to identify climate-related risks and opportunities that could impact our business. By proactively assessing the impacts of climate change on our business, we will be better placed to take actions to ensure business continuity and the delivery of critical medicines to our patients. 

We remain committed to not only delivering innovative and affordable medicines but also to upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity, operational excellence, and environmental stewardship.

2022 Goals: 

  • Expand greenhouse gas inventory to include Scope 3 value chain emissions 
  • Conduct a climate risk assessment 
  • Set a global climate strategy 
  • Explore creation of a product stewardship program

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